Mother Maddalena left some reminisces of the first Sister to join her in America. Elizabeth Baily, later Sister Mary Clare, was also the first Poor Clare to die in the United States: We will here add a few words about our dear departed Sister. Miss Elizabeth Baily came of a good English family, living in the city of London, England. Both her parents were good Catholics, and she received a good Christian education. Through a reverse of fortune, Miss Baily was compelled to earn her own livelihood. For four years she was a governess in one of the noble families in Paris, France. She then came to America where she had no difficulty in finding employment as governess, speaking both French and English fluently. She was ever God-fearing, and impressed all who knew her by her truly Christian and blameless conduct. She was very exact in the fulfillment of her religious duties, going to confession and communion frequently. (See above, January 21st, which recounts Sister Mary Clare’s death.)