Saint Clare: Loaves for the Journey - Bread of Repentance and Sorrow
P: Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
(Jn. 1:29)
All: We adore You, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all Your churches which are in the whole world, and we bless You, because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world.
P: When I approach the Sacrament, I consider whom I am about to receive. I look first at his greatness and then at my own littleness. I humble and annihilate myself before the Infinite majesty, and with the liveliest feelings of my heart and with tears and contrition I ask for pardon and say:
All: “Regard not, O Lord, my poverty and imperfections, but look at the wealth of Your love and mercy which You show to sinners, of whom I am the greatest.”
(Ven. Diomira, Capuchin Poor Clare)
P: Should disturbance or scandal arise, let her who gave cause for the disturbance immediately, before she may offer the gift of her prayer in the presence of the Lord, not only humbly prostrate herself at the feet of the other, begging pardon, but in all lowliness entreat the other that she would intercede for her to the Lord that he have mercy on her.
(St. Clare – Rule IX)
All: O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
(Lk. 18:13)
P: Unless you shall have forgiven from the heart, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you.
(St. Clare – Rule IX, citing Mt. 6:15)
All: O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
(Lk. 18:13)
READING [Sit] (Exodus 34:6, 8-9. 2 Corinthians 7:8-10may also be used.)
The Lord passed before Moses and cried out, “The LORD, the LORD, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.” Moses at once bowed down to the ground in worship. Then he said, “If I find favor with you, O LORD, do come along in our company. This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins and receive us as your own.”
P: All the paths of the Lord are faithful love towards those who keep his covenant.
(Ps. 25:10)
All: The Lord will be with me on my journey, giving me bread to eat and clothing to wear.
P: After the most high heavenly Father saw fit in His mercy to enlighten my heart that I should do penance according to the example of our holy father Francis after his conversion,I willingly promised him obedience after my own conversion. (St. Clare – Testament)
All: Women ran after her example and considered it a great glory to live for Christ in sackcloth and ashes.
(Life #10)
P: One who lives in the glory of earth cannot rule with Christ in heaven.
(St. Clare – First Letter)
All: Therefore: may the excitements of the world, like a fleeting shadow, not disturb you or the false delights of the deceptive world deceive you.
(St. Clare – Ermentrude)
P: Rather,contemplate the ineffable love with which Jesus wished to suffer on the wood of the Cross and to die a most shameful death.
(St. Clare – Fourth Letter)
All: In anguish of spirit cry aloud, "All you who pass this way, look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow."
(ibid, quoting Lam. 1:12)
P: Let us respond to Him with one voice and with one spirit, crying aloud and lamenting what He Himself said,
All: "I will remember and my soul will languish within me."
P: If you suffer with Him, you will reign with Him.
(St. Clare – Second Letter)
All: If you share His sorrow, you will rejoice with Him.
P: Be strengthened in this sacred service you have undertaken out of burning desire for the poor Crucified One who bore the suffering of the Cross for all of us, snatching us out of the power of the prince of darkness in which we were long enchained because of the sin of our first parents, and reconciling us to God the Father.
(St. Clare – First Letter)
All: Be faithful until death, for you will crowned with the garland of life.
Final prayer : [Kneel] P: O Mother Saint Clare,* P. and All: your holy life radiates its light to guide us on the way to Christ. Teach us to love Him as you did. O beloved saint, teach us to believe, as you did, that in the Blessed Eucharist we find Jesus, who dwells here in our midst.
You now follow the Lamb wherever He goes: speak to Him of our troubled spirit. Ask Him to heal us, body and soul, and to wash away our sins in His precious Blood.
(Pause for silent reflection and petition)
P: O handmaid of Christ,* P. and All: look with compassion on all who call on you for help. Remember the needs of our family, our loved ones, and all those for whom we pray. Defend us from everything that would endanger our Holy Catholic Faith, especially in these times of confusion, scandal and division. Give us unity and peace in the Church and in society. We ask that our pleas will become a canticle of petition ascending from your pure heart to the Heart of Jesus, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.