Saint Clare: Loaves for the Journey -
The Bread of Adversity
[Kneel] P: Lord Jesus, You give us strength for the journey. You are enough for us.
(St Francis)
All: We adore You, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all Your churches which are in the whole world, and we bless You, because by
Your holy cross You have redeemed the world. P: The Lord has prepared a table for me in the midst of my affliction.
(Psalm 23)
All: This table is the altar of God’s word, where we receive the living food which gives us life and courage in all our suffering.
(Bl Jan van Ruysbroeck)
P: When some think they are doing well, it is then that they are plunged into adversity.
(St Agnes of Assisi)
All: My soul and body suffer great distress and immense sadness. (ibid)
P: This sorrow is always afflicting me, this emotional rawness is always torturing me, this ardent desire is always consuming me.
All: My soul burns within me, and I am tormented by the fires of innumerable tribulations.
P: But if you suffer with Christ, you will reign with Him. Grieving with Him, you will come to rejoice.
(St. Clare - Second Letter)
All: The Lord will be with me on my journey, giving me bread to eat and clothing to wear.
P: After I once came to know the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ no pain has been bothersome, no penance too severe, no weakness has been hard.
(Life #44)
All: Love of the heart lightens the scourges of the body. (Life of St. Clare #18)
P: If you die with Him on the cross of tribulation, you shall possess heavenly mansions in the splendor of the saints, All: and in the Book of Life your name shall be glorious.
(St. Clare -Second Letter)
[Sit] (Isaiah 30:19-21. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 may also be used.)
Yes, people of Zion, you will live in Jerusalem and weep no more. The Lord will be gracious to you when he hears your cry; when he hears he will answer. When the Lord has given you the bread of suffering and the water of distress, he who is your teacher will hide no longer, and you will see your teacher with your own eyes. Whether you turn to right or left, your ears will hear these words behind you, ‘This is the way, follow it.’
P: Once when the Saracen army pressed upon Assisi and rushed upon San Damiano, they entered the enclosure of the monastery. The hearts of the nuns melted with fear. Clare, with an undaunted heart, ordered that she be brought to the door and placed there before the enemy, while the silver pyx in which the Body of the Holy of Holies was reserved preceded her. She prostrated herself and said to her Christ with tears:
All: “Lord, I beg You to defend Your defenseless servants whom I am not able to defend at this
(Life of St. Clare, #21)
P: Suddenly, a voice came from the mercy-seat of
new grace:
All: “I will always protect you.”
P: Then Clare comforted the weeping sisters, saying:
All: “My dear children, you will not suffer harm. Just have confidence in Christ.”
(ibid, #22)
Final prayer : [Kneel] P: O Mother Saint Clare,* P. and All: your holy life radiates its light to guide us on the way to Christ. Teach us to love Him as you did. O beloved saint, teach us to believe, as you did, that in the Blessed Eucharist we find Jesus, who dwells here in our midst.
You now follow the Lamb wherever He goes: speak to Him of our troubled spirit. Ask Him to heal us, body and soul, and to wash away our sins in His precious Blood.
(Pause for silent reflection and petition)
P: O handmaid of Christ,* P. and All: look with compassion on all who call on you for help. Remember the needs of our family, our loved ones, and all those for whom we pray. Defend us from everything that would endanger our Holy Catholic Faith, especially in these times of confusion, scandal and division. Give us unity and peace in the Church and in society. We ask that our pleas will become a canticle of petition ascending from your pure heart to the Heart of Jesus, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.