On this day in 1902, Mother Mary Constance, the blood-sister of Mother Maddalena, had a severe hemorrhage. It weakened her so much that on January 21st the Last Sacraments were given to her. The Sisters in Omaha wrote of Mother Mary Constance: The Last Sacrament was a true spiritual feast for her. She understood and followed every word with fervor and devotion… The sisters were saying the Penitential Psalms in the choir and dear Mother with true sentiments of contrition asked pardon of all the community… From that time on, when business matters were spoken of, Mother would say: “I must do as Father advised, not think of earth but keep my mind on heaven." In all these weeks, Mother had shown great detachment. Except before receiving the Last Sacrament, when she wrote a few lines in common to her sisters and brothers asking pardon, she sent no messages nor souvenirs to anyone… She died in peace with all the world. (See January 29th)