On May 7th the spiritual director of Mother Maddalena and former Minister General of the Franciscans, Father Bernardine, died in 1895. Mother Maddalena had consecrated herself to the Sacred Heart and prayed for her father in Christ:
The mercy of my God has triumphed over the unworthiness of His sinful daughter, drawing her to His Heart and transforming her into Himself by means of His Cross, His sufferings and His love, the only chain which binds me to this earth being that of the Most Holy Eucharist, although living in exile, may I live only for the love of God, and may I leave this earth from the wound in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and from thence without passing through Purgatory, wing my flight to the Choir of the Seraphim in Heaven, where I shall eternally praise, bless and thank God. These graces I ask also for the Most Rev. Father, begging God to assist him in all his necessities, may God make him a Saint like our holy Father St. Francis.