- Mother Maddalena devoted a whole chapter of her Memoirs to Elizabeth Bailey, her first spiritual daughter, who joined her in Philadelphia in 1876. She was very devout to the Blessed Sacrament, and as a reward for her great love and fervor, our Lord was pleased to manifest to her His Divine Presence in a perceptible manner by the diffusion of a most delicious fragrance. This she experienced, whenever she knelt before the Tabernacle wherein our Lord reposed. One day, she had gone to S. Paul's Church, for the purpose of making her confession. While waiting for the arrival of the priest, she entered a side chapel to say her prayers. Here she perceived the same heavenly fragrance; yet there was no light, or any other outward sign, to indicate the presence of our Divine Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. But she knew our Lord was there. In fact, when after confession, she returned to the Chapel, the Sacristan came to place a lamp before the altar, remarking that he had forgotten to do so. This fact she manifested to Mother Costanza, who was her mistress of Novices. (See also January 23rd, 24th, 25th)