The Sister destined to be the first Abbess in New Orleans received her letter of appointment on this day:
To the Ven. Sister in Christ Mary Franciso the Sacred Stigmata, professed choir Nun of the Monastery of St. Clare in the City of Omaha Greeting and Seraphic Blessing. Since the Reverend Mother Magdalen of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ven. Abbess of the Monastery of St. Clare, in the City of Omaha, has recommended you above others for Superioress of the new foundation to be established in the City of New Orleans, and after we have been informed of your piety, of your prudence and of your great attachment to the Order, we select and appoint you by these present letters as the Superior of the new House, to be opened in New Orleans — as mentioned above and we recommend you in a special manner to the paternal charity of the Illustrious and Most Reverend Ordinary of the place trusting with confidence, that with the help of God, you will faithfully fulfill the duties of your office. (Given at Rome, Aracoeli May 15,1885) Fr. Bernardinus Min. Gen.