Continuation of Mother Maddalena’s account of the death of the first Poor Clare in the United States: Mr. Creighton had an iron coffin in which the body of Mrs. Edward Creighton had been transported from Philadelphia. This he kindly placed at our disposal. The body was taken to the Church of the Holy Family, where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered up for the repose of her soul. A number of priests were present; and the church was filled with people. The hearse was followed to the grave by two carriages. In the one was the priests, in the other Mr. and Mrs. Creighton, and several other friends. Mrs. Creighton was the only lady to venture out into the cold, in spite of the piercing north wind that was blowing that morning. It was another proof of her exceeding great charity. (See January 21st, January 24th, 25th)