– Mother Maddalena’s family – the Bentivoglio’s of Bologna – were very active in Italian politics during earlier centuries. Students of Franciscan history might recall a Cardinal Bentivoglio who confronted Mary Ward over her teaching apostolate. [This is not the place to go into the history of this former Poor Clare, which is quite interesting. That will be saved for another study.] Father Albert Kleber recounts the history of Mother Maddalena’s distinguished relative: A grandson of Giovanni, Costanzo, became the founder of the illustrious Ferrara branch of the family. Of this line Cardinal Guido Bentivoglio descended. Cardinal Bentivoglio, highly cultured and an accomplished diplomat, acquitted himself masterfully of many difficult missions with which both popes and secular rulers had entrusted him. It was generally believed that he would be the successor to Pope Urban VIII; but he died during the conclave, in 1644.