On August 27, 1848, the Passionist missionary Blessed Dominic Barberi died. It was he who assisted St. John Henry Newman into the Catholic church. Dominic Barberi was a zealous apostle, filled with supernatural gifts, even the gift of bilocation. Father Dominic had given a retreat to the Poor Clares of Anagni, Italy. His devotion at Mass and his obvious holiness greatly impressed the Sisters. One of the young nuns was slowly dying of tuberculosis, and Father Dominic promised that he would be at her death bed. The Abbess wrote to Father Dominic, asking him to pray for the dying nun. When he wrote back, promising a blessing, the Abbess went to see the invalid in the infirmary, to tell her of the promised blessing. “And what a blessing!” came the reply. The Abbess asked what she meant. The young nun said, “Didn’t you see him? Didn’t you open the door to let him in?” It seems that Father Dominic delivered his blessing in person, even though he was miles away.