Mother Maddalena had some famous people in her ancestry. There is even a beatified Franciscan saint in the Bentivoglio family. He had served as page at the court of Grand Duchess Vittoria of Tuscany, entered the service of Cosimo de Medici III. After a varied and honorable career, he exchanged the courts of the world for the courts of the Lord in 1663, and became a Capuchin under the name of Friar Joseph. He was an exemplary ecclesiastic and an eloquent orator. In compliance with his desire to devote himself to foreign missions, he was made apostolic missionary and was sent to Tunis, where he became known for his great charity. He was imprisoned because of his faith and was greatly ill-treated by the Mohammedans. Upon being set free, he returned to Italy, but was soon selected to go to Poland, where King John III desired to introduce the Capuchin Order. This task accomplished, Friar Joseph was recalled to Italy, where he died in 1698. He is the Beato Guiseppe Maria Cappuoccina.