Father Marianus Fiege, a Capuchin priest, was the extraordinary confessor at the Evansville monastery towards the end of Mother Maddalena’s life. He was a preacher and author of some renown. His book, The Paraclete, contains the type of teaching he might have imparted at the Evansville monastery, especially at the beginning of Lent. He wrote: It is to the soul of every Religious that these words of the Holy Ghost may be applied in a special manner: "Behold, I will allure her, and I will lead her into the wilderness; and I will speak to her heart." You who are a Religious, tell me, who "allured" you away from the vanities of a deceitful world? Who “led” you to your abode of sweet seclusion and retirement? Who first “spoke to your heart" of the peaceful service of God in the cloister? Who encouraged and strengthened you to "leave all things and follow Christ?" Who enabled you to consummate the sacrifice when by the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, you made of yourself a whole-burnt offering, and fastened yourself, so to speak, with Jesus to the cross? Who has ever since that moment enabled you to be faithful to the solemn promises you then made, and to be diligent in the discharge of the sublime duties of your noble calling? Is not all this the special work of the Holy Ghost, Who has singled you out from among the rest of mankind and called you to this blessed state of life?