The Franciscan Juan of the Angels was considered one of the glories of Spanish mysticism, and counted amongst the great preachers and writers of Counter-Reformation Spain. He was in such demand that he preached at the Royal Chapel of the Empress Maria of Austria, the sister of King Philip II of Spain. He was then appointed the confessor of the nun-infanta Sister Margaret of the Cross. In 1609 he died in the monastery of the Poor Clares in Madrid, where he served as the chaplain and confessor, and where Sister Margaret lived. (See also December 5th ) Fray Juan writes: “The bride of Jesus can say: ‘I have a Spouse Who has the fragrance and the color of Heaven … This Divine Shepherd’s flock will not die of hunger, nor will it in feed on rough pastures … What a Shepherd! He feeds His flock with His own Blood!’”